Marketing Roundtable

Digital Marketing

Spooky Digital Marketing Stories

From haunted websites to disappearing content, the world of digital marketing can be fraught with unforeseen twists. On this episode of the Marketing Roundtable podcast, four marketers come together to share tales of times when things weren’t quite as they seemed.

So prep some popcorn, pour some cider, and dive into this October’s special edition episode!

The Mystery of the Doppelgänger Website

BrainDo’s Creative Director Brian Schwartz returns to the roundtable with a tale of mystery to tell.

A client’s website seemed to have content disappearing and changing on a whim. Like a maze, links led users down twisting paths. Retracing steps wouldn’t always bring you back to where you were before, and Brian began to feel like some other force was playing tricks on him.

He shares the moment he realized what was at play:

“We just kept clicking around,” Brian exclaimed. “The images were changing, the content was changing, and then we realized the site was a mirror site.”

How did Brian clear a way through the duplicate mirrored site? Watch the special edition Marketing Roundtable podcast episode to find out!

Tales of Courage from Internships Past

Next, co-host and Social Media Manager Rachel Rhodes recounts a spine-tingling tale from her college years.

A young marketer in the making, Rachel was on her third social media internship when disaster struck: She discovered that a client had been engaging with not-safe-for-work content through the brand’s Instagram account.

Still relatively inexperienced, it was an undoubtedly daunting subject to approach! But hard conversations are part of the real world.

Tune in to the full podcast episode to hear how she came out on the other side.

Cutting Through Ancient Cobwebs

The next guest was a new face for the podcast: Harrison Bryant, web developer extraordinaire. Harrison arrived with the story of an ancient site in desperate need of updates.

“A lot of times you log into these old websites, and nobody has touched it in 15 years,” Harrison explained. “There are errors on every screen; your plugin’s 15 years out of date… I think it was 250 versions since the original theme download.”

What can one do when faced with numerous outdated versions of a theme? The solution can only be discovered by watching the episode below!

The Ghost of Domain Present

The past has a funny way of sneaking up on you, especially when connections are lost and time is running out.

Harrison continued with an anecdote surrounding a time when a client’s domain grew dangerously close to expiring. The client needed to know where the domain was managed, how to log in, and who had previously been in charge. And there were only seven days left before the domain expired!

Finally, an old credit card statement surfaced with a clue, and they were able to track down the original owner of the account.

As Harrison exclaims: “It came down to the wire…”

Did they make it in time? Watch the full episode to find out!

The Curse of the Disappearing Files

The last guest was fellow host and Design Lead, Tatiana Knies-Smith. Her case was one of fear, turmoil, and (potentially) significant loss.

And it happened on this very podcast!

Tatiana couldn’t wait to dive into post-production after the highly anticipated filming of episode 8, featuring BrainDo’s founder Brian Cosgrove.

Except the SD card was completely empty. Dun, dun, dun!

After a few frantic moments, Tatiana called in their producer (and paid media specialist) Brandon Jones. Was he able to sort out the SD card conundrum? You’ll have to watch the episode to learn what happened next!

Extend the Spooky Fun: Don’t Miss the Full Marketing Roundtable Episode!

New challenges may arise with clients. But as their agency partners, that’s precisely what we’re here for!

From cleaning up the cobwebs on old sites to navigating uncharted client territory, we possess the tools and expertise necessary to bring projects back into the light.

Watch the full episode below to hear more solutions to these particular challenges. We hope you enjoy this special episode of the Marketing Roundtable!