The BrainDo team celebrating at the BrainDo 11th Anniversary Party

BrainDo Culture

Toasting to BrainDo’s 11th Anniversary

Backed by raw expertise and a unique vision, Brian Cosgrove and Jenny Du founded BrainDo in 2013.

In those early days, BrainDo was a far cry from the robust full-service consultancy you now know. While networking and consulting paved the way for long-term partnerships, our first official full-service digital marketing client empowered us to evolve into the multi-disciplined powerhouse we are today.

In celebrating our 11 year anniversary, we’d like to take time to reflect on some highlights from the past year while remaining grateful for the present and excited for the future.

The Highlights

2023 ushered in a new wave of growth at BrainDo. We opened a new office space, developed new connections, and branched out as a team all while standing on the principles and values upon which BrainDo was built.

Brian Cosrgrove, principal and co-founder, delivering a speech commemorating BrainDo's 11th anniversary

Introducing: The New Office!

Last summer, BrainDo bid farewell to 444 N 3rd Street, the space we called home for many years. It was a bittersweet parting but necessary for our long-term vision. With packed boxes and laptop bags in hand, we made our way to the new BrainDo office on Columbus Boulevard.

Located along the Delaware River, our new space went through significant renovation and total transformation to accommodate our team. The open floor plan is flooded with natural light. Marketing Roundtable now has a fresh new podcast studio. And there’s plenty of room to grow well into the future. Our development team even has its own den, devoid of any and all sunlight — by special request, of course!

Perhaps the biggest perk of the office is our ability to host again. So far in 2024, we’ve been delighted to host personal Google Analytics 4 (GA4) training sessions for our client partners, where our new Meeting Owl immersive conference experience proved to be a big hit.

And with our anniversary party serving as the first major team event at the new office, we’re already creating new memories in a space we’ll enjoy for years to come.

The BrainDo team celebrating at the BrainDo 11th Anniversary Party

The Importance of Team Building

Company culture is important to BrainDo. And we take team events very seriously.

A BrainDo outing to a Phillies game in the summer was a home run — even if the Phillies didn’t score any themselves. And our holiday party is a wonderful annual opportunity to rejoice with coworkers who live both near and far.

The highlight of any year, however, is of course … drumroll please … our annual retreat.

This year, the BrainDo team enjoyed a classic week at the Jersey Shore — Brigantine, to be exact. The days were filled with sun and games, while different teams took turns preparing dinner each night. Brigantine is also close enough that those who couldn’t get away for a full week could still pop in for a moment or stay for a night.

Being a hybrid work environment with employees across both coasts (and beyond), it’s always a treat to get together and catch up in person.

Team members, client partners, and alumni mingle at BrainDo's 11th Anniversary Party

Exploring Client Partnerships & Events

One of the (many) things the global pandemic temporarily paused was our ability to travel. So when a client invited us to join them at the 2023 Fast Company Innovation Festival, we jumped at the opportunity!

Innovation Festival is an annual melding of minds in New York City, with sessions and events spanning several days and locations. Our team arrived energized and ready to soak up as much as possible, from new colleagues to bleeding edge insights shared at various panels.

Conferences and other professional events are a breeding ground for fresh perspectives, and, well, innovation! With the digital marketing landscape constantly shifting and evolving, it’s critical to stay connected and informed.

The experience instilled within us a drive for more in-person events with our partners, peers, and community — something we’ve built into our 2024 plans.

As BrainDo enters its 12th year, connecting on a deeper level with our clients and peers is top of mind. But it’s important to pause and honor our milestones, so without further ado … let the party begin!

Highlights from the BrainDo 11th Anniversary Party

The Celebration

To debut the new office and host a housewarming of sorts, our anniversary party was held on home turf — or home commercial-complex-on-the-river, if you will. Guests in attendance included not only current BrainDoers but also client partners, contractors, and even a few alumni.

After forging relationships through Zoom communication during the pandemic, some team members got to meet their client counterparts in-person for the first time. The event helped tie interactions that often occur digitally to real world context. For instance, Kevin, our podcast editor, was given a tour of the studio he sees on screen every month. It is truly a refreshing experience after working remotely for so many years.

Attendees enjoyed an incredible sushi bar, sake tasting, and butlered treats as a live jazz band played throughout the evening. BrainDo Principical Brian Cosgrove delivered a heartfelt message of gratitude for the past, with a positive outlook for the future.

And when the evening’s scheduled events reached their conclusion, the party was still far from over. Many continued the festivities at a local karaoke bar, singing the night away.

It was an evening filled with laughter, appreciation, and meaningful camaraderie.

Live jazz music and celebration at BrainDo's 11th Anniversary Party

The Future

While we are thankful for the growth and opportunities of Year 11, we’re ready to look ahead. There are some big internal projects in the works — including new offerings, new insights, and even some new BrainDo digital experiences. And our next team event is just over the horizon.

There are also big plans for our office space. We plan to host more industry events, client workshops, and team activities in the coming year and beyond.

How We Can Help

On behalf of everyone here at BrainDo, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has joined us on our journey so far. And to those leaping into the future with us, we’re ready for all the challenges and opportunities headed our way!

If you have questions or are interested in how we can help your business grow, please reach out to our talented team of digital marketers today.